Source code for wellcome_aws_utils.ecs_utils

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import operator

from botocore.exceptions import ClientError

[docs]class EcsThrottleException(Exception): pass
[docs]def identify_cluster_by_app_name(client, app_name): """ Given the name of one of our applications (e.g. api, calm_adapter), return the ARN of the cluster the task runs on. """ for cluster_arn in get_cluster_arns(client): for service_arn in get_service_arns(client, cluster_arn=cluster_arn): # The format of an ECS service ARN is: # # arn:aws:ecs:{aws_region}:{account_id}:service/{service_name} # # Our ECS cluster is configured so that the name of the ECS cluster # matches the name of the config in S3. It would be more robust # to use the describeService API, but this saves us a couple of # calls on our API quota so we skip it. _, service_name = service_arn.split('/') if service_name == app_name: return cluster_arn raise RuntimeError(f'Unable to find ECS cluster for {app_name}')
[docs]def get_latest_task_definition(client, cluster, service): """ Given the name of a cluster and a service, return the ARN for its latest task definition. """ resp = client.describe_services(cluster=cluster, services=[service]) # The top-level structure of a describeServices API response is of the form # # { # "failures": [], # "services": [ # ... # ] # } # # Because we only asked for a description of a single service, we expect # there to only be a single service. services = resp['services'] assert len(services) == 1, resp service = services[0] # Within a 'service' description, the following structure is what we're # interested in: # # "deployments": [ # { # "createdAt": <date>, # "taskDefinition": <task definition ARN>, # "updatedAt": <date> # ... # }, # ... other running tasks # ], # # Each "deployment" corresponds to a running task, so we pick the # container with the most recent creation date. deployments = service['deployments'] assert len(deployments) > 0, resp newest_deployment = max(deployments, key=operator.itemgetter('createdAt')) return newest_deployment['taskDefinition']
[docs]def clone_task_definition(client, task_definition): """ Given a task definition ARN, clone the associated task. Returns the new task definition ARN. """ resp = client.describe_task_definition(taskDefinition=task_definition) taskDefinition = resp['taskDefinition'] # The task definition contains two key fields: "family" and # "containerDefinitions" which full describe the task. new_task = client.register_task_definition( family=taskDefinition['family'], taskRoleArn=taskDefinition['taskRoleArn'], containerDefinitions=taskDefinition['containerDefinitions'], volumes=taskDefinition['volumes'] ) return new_task['taskDefinition']['taskDefinitionArn']
def _name_from_arn(arn): return arn.split("/")[1] def _check_for_throttle_exception(f, *args, **kwargs): try: return f(*args, **kwargs) except ClientError as ex: if ex.response['Error']['Code'] == 'ThrottlingException': print(f'ThrottlingException: {ex}') raise EcsThrottleException(ex) else: raise
[docs]def get_service_arns(ecs_client, cluster_arn): """ Given a cluster ARN, extracts the associated service ARNs. Returns a list of service ARNS. """ return _check_for_throttle_exception( ecs_client.list_services, cluster=_name_from_arn(cluster_arn) )['serviceArns']
[docs]def get_cluster_arns(ecs_client): """ Extract the list of cluster ARNs in this account. Returns a list of cluster ARNs. """ return _check_for_throttle_exception( ecs_client.list_clusters )['clusterArns']
[docs]def describe_cluster(ecs_client, cluster_arn): """ Given a cluster ARN attempts to find a matching cluster description. Returns a cluster description. """ return _check_for_throttle_exception( ecs_client.describe_clusters, clusters=[cluster_arn] )['clusters'][0]
[docs]def describe_service(ecs_client, cluster_arn, service_arn): """ Given a cluster ARN and service ARN, attempts to find a matching service description. Returns a service description. """ return _check_for_throttle_exception( ecs_client.describe_services, cluster=_name_from_arn(cluster_arn), services=[_name_from_arn(service_arn)] )['services'][0]
[docs]def run_task( ecs_client, cluster_name, task_definition, started_by, container_name="app", command=[]): """ Run a given command against a named container in a task definition on a particular cluster. Returns the response from calling run_task """ return ecs_client.run_task( cluster=cluster_name, taskDefinition=task_definition, overrides={ 'containerOverrides': [ { 'name': container_name, 'command': command }, ] }, count=1, startedBy=started_by, )